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Vodafone Smart Train 5G

Vodafone Smart Train 5G
Launch date
Solution type


From telecommunications to architecture:

The multinational corporation Vodafone wanted to illustrate the benefits of mobile edge cloud computing in city life with a very special application. With Vodafone we designed an AR app that envisioned the construction of a virtual 3D city. A completely fictional place, dominated by a train, illustrating smart networking and turning all the benefits of Vodafone Edge Cloud into a visual highlight.

The Conclusion

Next trainstop: Innovation!

Welcome to the city of the future. The Vodafone Smart Train 5G Demo takes customers on a train journey of a different kind – on their smartphones.

In order to make the unique Vodafone city real, we initially had it produced as a 3D print initially. The city comes to life once the smartphone camera is pointed at the 3D model and the app is launched. The 5G train travels along the tracks and communicates all the advantages of the edge cloud. Examples of various uses are transformed into interactive animations, remotely communicating the importance of the smart network architecture. Users can even switch to a live view and take a virtual seat in the cockpit of the train to experience smart networking in an even more interactive way. But even without 3D printing, users can be fully immersed in the city of the future.  The virtual AR model can be placed into the real environment when needed and be brought directly to customers without high transport costs.